Finding the right massage therapist can be a trial and error process. Between figuring out which modality best suits your needs and finding an experienced massage therapist you jive with, it can seem like getting a good massage is left to chance. The good news is that whether you are trying a therapist for the first time or returning to your all-time favorite therapist, there are a few important ways you can contribute to getting the most out of any massage.
1. Book the proper amount of time for your service. Sure you can get a full body massage in 60 minutes but if you really want to address any specific concerns, truly escape from the cares and worries of the day, or if you want deep tissue, you should book a longer service. We do 60, 90, and 120 min massages.
2. Hydrate before your massage. Drinking plenty of water helps your muscles to flush out toxins during the massage and reduces the chance of cramping or soreness after deeper work. People who work in toxic environments that may be absorbed through the skin or people who may smoke sometimes feel as though they are sick after a massage. This is in direct relationship with how many toxic chemicals are in your body trying to get out! Massage facilitates the bodies own ability to detoxify. Hydrating properly can help that a great deal.
3. Arrive at least 10 minutes before your appointment. No one wants to have to hurry up to relax. Remember that you will need time to fill out an intake form or talk with your therapist before the appointment time so that you are on the massage table at the time your appointment starts. Cutting five or ten minutes off a massage can make a big difference in your overall satisfaction with your service. At Balance Wellness & Massage we understand that people sometimes run late or have crazy things happen in their schedule and that is why we schedule 30 min between clients. We want you to have the full 60, 90 or 120 min you scheduled, even if you are running 5 or 10 min late. Not many places are so accommodating.
4. Turn of your cell phone and any other beepy vibrating devices. Getting a massage is a chance to gift yourself some peace and relaxation. Make the most of it by leaving all your responsibilities at the door.
5. Be thorough when informing your therapist about your medical history. There might be times when certain types of massage techniques are contraindicated, so be sure to tell your therapist if you are taking any medications, or if you have any illness, injury or even allergies. Providing more information will not only protect you from any unintended consequences, but will help the therapist devise a treatment plan that is specifically designed for you.
6. I could write a book on the importance of client/therapist communication, but for now I can tell you that the best way to start off a massage is to let your therapist know what goals you have for the session. Maybe you woke up with a stiff neck and want to be able to turn your head, or you wore high heels to a conference and your low back is killing you. While both of these areas are part of a full body massage, informing your therapist of your discomfort will let them know how to best focus their time and energy.
7. More on communication: speak up during the session if anything at any time makes you feel uncomfortable. Many clients feel there is a power differential when they are on the table and may feel shy about telling their therapist if the pressure is too firm or too light. The perception of pressure is relative between and giver and receiver. Massage therapists are in this business because they truly want to help you feel better and genuinely want to know what type of massage works best for you.
8. Want to make it easy on your massage therapist? Be a noodle – a floppy cooked noodle, that is. Seriously, take some slow, deep breaths and let go of your body. Surrender your body weight and let the therapist do the work. If you hold your hands like rigid rakes it make massaging them a challenge. Resistance is futile, so relax and enjoy.
9. When the massage is over and you feel like your best self again, take a few minutes to book your next appointment. Keeping up with regular massages allows your body to find deeper levels of healing over time and prevents an array of illnesses and injuries.
10. Continue to hydrate after the massage to help flush out any toxins or lactic acid that were manually flushed from your muscle tissues during the massage.
Don’t worry, no one is going to grade you on getting all these steps right, but being conscious of them can make a big difference in your massage experience. While finding your right therapist may take a few tries, following these tips can help you turn a good massage into a great massage.