Spa massage is a term used for a relaxation massage. Often the goal of any massage is to relax and de-stress! You may be trying to forget the tense moments of your day, put the stressful moments behind you or just take some much needed “Me” time. Whatever the case may be, balance wellness and massage can help you with all of it. We enjoy giving a relaxing massage just as much as we like helping people with chronic pain. At balance Wellness we take the idea of relaxation seriously!
We set the tone and the pace of the massage to be soothing and calming. We use hot oil, long flowing strokes, aroma therapy, steamed towels and a medium to light pressure. We make sure to leave plenty of time in the service to do the hands and feet as well as the neck and scalp. The table is heated, the music is soothing, and the room smells delightful. We have taken care of every detail for you. We want you to think of your time here as a mini vacation from the stresses of the world. We sell our relaxation massages in 60,90 and 120 min sessions.
If you really want to relax we recommend a longer session. Our 90 and 120 min massages leave you on a massage high for the rest of the day. We also recommend adding to your service and spoiling yourself with upgrades like a warm oil scalp massage, Peppermint foot scrub, Steamed towel and eucalyptus face massage, Papaya Pineapple enzyme mask, or whole body exfoliation. You can also upgrade to a hot stone massage if you like to incorporate heat therapy into a relaxation massage.
We make no apologies for your diminished capacity to get things done after. We just send you on your way with a smile and hope you enjoy the effects of your mini-vacation for days to come.